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LMU delegates at University of Nottingham

6 April 2020 - The LMU delegates, led by Prof. Alexander Gerbes (director of LMU Liver Centre, representative of the faculty for GAME, PI of INDILIR project), visited University of Nottingham to initiate further collaboration on the GAME MRI project on 13 February 2020. Other delegates included Prof. Dr. Michael Drey, director of LMU geriatrics department, stakeholder of the GAME preventive gerontology project; Dr. Uta Ferrari, LMU geriatrics department; Prof. Dr. Marco Düring, Research Group Leader LMU Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (ISD), stakeholder of the GAME MRI project; Ms. Anna Dewenter (PhD student in Prof. Düring’s group); PD Dr. Johannes Levin (research group leader LMU Neurology Department, stakeholder LBD project); Dr. Dominic Dwyer (post doc researcher LMU Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and respresentative for Prof. Nikolaos Koutsouleris); Wencke Vonderhagen, dean’s office, GAME coordinator.

The meeting started with the official welcome by Professor Robert Mokaya, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Global Engagement; Prof. John Atherton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; Dr. Richard Masterman, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research Strategy, performance) and Prof. Dorothee Auer, Director of Precision Imaging. During this bilateral GAME meeting, working level in the areas of brain and neurosciences and preventive gerontology was also discussed. On the occasion of the visit, LMU delegates also saw the 7T MRI and optically-pumped magnetometer (OPM) magnetoencephalography (MEG) at the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre and had a tour of Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation (DNP).

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